Netflix Launch
The Challenge
US-streaming giant Netflix were looking for an innovative and creative agency to produce a high-profile event to launch Netflix into the Australian and New Zealand market, Fourth Wall answered the call.
The Creation
Working alongside Ogilvy PR, Fourth Wall created a fully immersive, high-calibre experience at the MCA. There, we created a space that showcased some of Netflix’s many high-profile shows such as House of Cards, Bloodline, Orange is the New Black and Marco Polo, while at the same time highlighting the company’s streaming abilities into houses, tablets and phones. The event also involved A-list celebrities and Australian media.
The environment we created included a “House of Cards” Air Force One VIP space, a Marco Polo bar, a Florida Keys-inspired outdoor space, and a three-dimensional, interactive, projection mapped set wall, which streamed live content.
The Outcome
The event launched seamlessly to a packed house full of A-listers (both US and Australian), the Australian media, and Netflix staff and VIPs. The event ensured that the brand was front-of-mind in the Australian print and screen media, and firmly secured the brand’s position as a leader in the Australian and New Zealand marketplace.