
Fin D'itinaldi Wine Campaign

The Challenge

ALDI came to Fourth Wall to create a campaign to promote its wine offering, which includes premium tasting wines.

As with everything ALDI the campaign concept was to be Good, Different.  

The Creation

Fourth Wall and ALDI created an incognito fine wine expert ‘Fin D’Itinaldi’ who went undercover at Sydney’s prestigious Polo in the City offering punters an introduction to his fine wines. After experiencing a wine tasting, Fin revealed them to be ALDI's affordable in store offerings. From sourcing the location, activation design and creation, casting, styling the set, filming and editing Fourth Wall broke the impossible to create a clever masterclass stunt.

This was all filmed and edited to deliver social media, earned media and in-store campaigns across Australia.

The Outcome

The verdict? You don’t need to break the bank to enjoy a quality glass of great-tasting wine...and everyone had a laugh when Fin D'itinaldi was revealled as Find It In Aldi.

The media impact was enormous with Sunrise dedicating an entire segment to the idea that ALDI's wines are a premium and affordable offering.