The Challenge
R U OK? wants to inspire all people to ask others, "Are you OK?". The challenge lies in how to successfully deliver that message to an entire country’s population.
In collaboration with the R U OK? internal team, and our own force of positive-minded individuals, Fourth Wall’s goal was to start as many conversations in as many locations as possible.
The Creation
Since it's inception Fourth Wall has worked alongside R U OK? to tour a national roadshow that goes across Australia over many months.
In conjunction with the Audi Foundation Fourth Wall creates assets from a fully fitted out caravan complete with coffee carts, conversation tables, mini theatre space and merch...enabling important conversations to occur. Our team joins R U OK? on the road and ensures that no matter what challenges come from such a rugged and vast tour the experience is positive for all involved.
The Outcome
Since 2011, Fourth Wall has partnered with R U OK? to focus on sharing their simple but powerful message with communities across our great nation.
From Darwin, all the way down the east coast of Australia, stopping in country towns such as Katherine and all the major cities like Brisbane and Melbourne, the tours were was a huge success for R U OK? Every town and city has their own stories to tell, but the common theme that continuously emerges across the nation is that people everywhere want to embrace and share the R U OK? message.